Saurav and Joe
From left, Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Saurav Sarkar, and retired auto worker Dianne Feeley in front of the Ford River Rouge plant in Detroit, Michigan. Photo: Chris Brooks.
Labor Notes is thrilled to welcome two new staffers, Saurav Sarkar and Joe DeManuelle-Hall, who started in our New York office in December.
Saurav Sarkar joins our editorial team as an Assistant Editor. For the past year he was the research coordinator for the Poor People’s Campaign at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. He has also been a staff writer for the business daily Mint in New Delhi, India, and has worked on race, LGBTQ, and other equality issues at the National Union of Teachers in the United Kingdom.
He started the blog South Asia Labor Watch, which reports on the struggles of Bangladeshi, Indian, and other South Asian workers.
Saurav (pronounced SHOW-robh) will be reporting for Labor Notes on worker centers, immigrant workers, LGBTQ workers, the Steelworkers, the Electrical Workers (UE), and the global labor movement. Reach him at saurav[at]labornotes[dot]org.
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Joe DeManuelle-Hall is our newest Staff Organizer. For the last four years he worked as an organizer with Transport Workers Union Local 100 in New York City, helping bikeshare workers to organize unions and wage powerful contract campaigns in six cities.
Prior to that he was a rank-and-file activist in a Chicago Walmart warehouse, and once upon a time he interned on the Sandy Pope campaign for the Teamster presidency. You may have seen Joe at the 2018 Labor Notes Conference leading a overflowing workshop on “Beating Apathy.”
Joe will be reporting on logistics, longshore, rail, UNITE HERE, and the TWU. Reach him at joe[at]labornotes[dot]org.
Saurav and Joe join our two other recent hires, Barbara Madeloni and Bianca Cunningham, bringing our staff to nine—the largest we’ve ever been! That means we’ll be able to cover more stories, build more rank-and-file networks, and offer more trainings to continue to grow the troublemaking wing of the labor movement.