Troublemakers Blog
April 09, 2014 /
Need an inspiration fix? Here are a few video highlights for those who couldn't make it to the record-breaking 2014 Labor Notes Conference—or those already ready to relive it.
April 02, 2014 /
Local officers tried to push through a big dues increase without convincing justification, but members put the brakes on. More than 400 wrote letters to the local, district, and national union with concerns about how the vote was taken.
March 29, 2014 /
Resumenes de artículos de Labor Notes de los EEUU, semana de 24 marzo, en español e inglés. Summaries of Labor Notes stories from the U.S. for the week of March 24, in Spanish and English. Please pass them on to your Spanish-speaking friends.
March 28, 2014 / Julia Kann
Organized labor could learn a thing or two from the recent activism of young immigrants.
March 27, 2014 /
Until now, disunity had dogged the postal unions. Management used the separate bargaining to push concessions onto them one by one, and the unions worked at cross purposes in their lobbying too.
March 26, 2014 /
A threat to strike over grievances won victories for student workers at the University of California Santa Cruz on workload and two-tier.
March 24, 2014 /
Browse the full schedule and get ready to learn, share, and recharge in Chicago April 4-6.
March 20, 2014 /
Missing from the film is the spark of slave revolt that Solomon Northup portrayed so vividly in his book. He predicted "a terrible day of vengeance, when the master in his turn will cry in vain for mercy.”
March 19, 2014 /
In Chicago, worker center organizers and advocates for rape victims have come together to combat sexual violence in the workplace.
March 15, 2014 /
Resumenes de artículos de Labor Notes de los EEUU, semana de 10 marzo, en español e inglés. Summaries of Labor Notes stories from the U.S. for the week of March 10, in Spanish and English. Please pass them on to your Spanish-speaking friends.