VIDEO: Weingarten Rights: How to Represent Workers in Investigatory Interviews

Labor Notes is pleased to present a series of free webinars taught by veteran Boston labor lawyer Robert M. Schwartz and hosted by Labor Notes staffer Bianca Cunningham.

This webinar, held on August 6, was entitled "Weingarten Rights" and based on a chapter in Schwartz's popular book The Legal Rights of Union Stewards.

To stay up to date on the latest webinars that Labor Notes has to offer, subscribe to our weekly eblast.

Further Reading from Robert Schwartz

Robert Schwartz has been a frequent contributor to the pages of Labor Notes over the years. Here are a few highlights. For more, check out his Work Rights Press book series at Labor Notes.

Trump Labor Board Upends Special Status of Union Stewards
Resources for the Rank and File: An Interview with Robert Schwartz
Legal Rights in a Contract Campaign
Using Just Cause to Defend Against Unfair Discipline
File an Information Request with Every Grievance
FMLA Doctor's Notes: What Unions Need to Know
Working without a Contract: A Strategy Whose Time Has Come?
Representing Members at Investigatory Interviews
Got Unfair Labor Practices? Put 'Em to Use
Time to Update the Union Handbook on Just Cause
Getting the Most Out of Information Requests
After Labor Board Ruling, Unions Must Shut the Door on Management Rights
Everything You Were Afraid to Ask about Lockouts



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Bianca Cunningham is a staff writer and organizer at Labor