Mark Brenner

Why the Millionaires Tax Was Worth Fighting For


The tax compromise made by the California Federation of Teachers resulted in major improvements to the ballot initiative that could be in front of voters in November. But there are compelling reasons why proponents of the millionaires tax should have bucked the governor's deal and continued their struggle to reverse endless austerity.

Help Us Blow Out the Candles


Hard to believe, but a scrappy rank-and-file magazine and organizing institute, founded in 1979 to bring together leaders from an inspiring string of wildcat strikes and union reform caucuses, turns 33 today.

Labor Notes has grown a lot since then, training thousands of activists at 10 regional Troublemaker Schools last year and publishing a daily stream of unique news and analysis about unions and work, from labor's point of view.

Labor Notes is more than a website and magazine.

Education Reform: The Real Deal


Tired of being scapegoats for all the ills of the public schools, 200 teachers from 15 states, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Mexico were in Chicago July 6 for the National Conference to Fight Back for Public Education.

Guess What, Fox News: Public Workers Didn’t Start this Fire


You know what, Fox News? Public workers didn’t start this fire, but
they’ll be damned if it consumes their communities and leaves
generations of workers in cinders.

I was back on the Faux network Friday to talk about the revolt surging through Wisconsin. The host kept arguing that taxpayers have been bled
dry, repeating Governor Scott Walker’s talking point that the state
has no alternative but to take the hatchet to teachers, nurses,
lifeguards, clerks—all the many unionized public workers.

Audio: Public Workers Face More Upside Down Politics


With state and local governments staring at deep budget gaps, politicians across the spectrum are blaming public sector workers for the river of red ink. “We can no longer live in a society where the public employees are the haves and taxpayers who foot the bills are the have-nots,” crowed Scott Walker, Wisconsin’s newly elected governor, in a recent speech. Forget about the fact that it was out-of-control bankers and greedy CEOs—the real haves in this country—who derailed the economy three years ago.
