A hundred fifty people came to the Detroit Troublemakers School December 3. The biggest groups were teachers (both higher ed and K-12), newspaper workers, nurses, and auto workers. Andrea Parker, a rank-and-file leader in the Chicago Teachers Union, came to share her local's efforts to defend public education, while leaders of a new slate in the Detroit teachers union anxiously awaited results of vote-counting in their local that day (turned out the top three officer-candidates are in a run-off against the incumbents).
Three of the eight workshops were based on our new book Secrets of a Successful Organizer. Contact training[at]labornotes[dot]org if your local would like to meet with Labor Notes trainers.
Most unusual: Almost everyone stayed till the end of the school, and a quarter of them crowded into a nearby restaurant afterwards to continue the conversation.
Photos: Jim West, jimwestphoto.com