Verizon Workers Launch ‘Militant Mondays’

CWA Local 2108 in Maryland is holding “Militant Mondays,” where members wear camouflage, until their contract with Verizon is settled. Photo: CWA Local 2108.
Collective bargaining agreements expired in August for 28,000 Communications Workers (CWA) members at AT&T Southeast and 38,000 CWA and Electrical Workers (IBEW) members at Verizon in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
Workers at both companies have authorized their union leaderships to call a strike, but thus far they are staying on the job and working without a contract.
CWA Local 2108 in Maryland is holding “Militant Mondays,” where members wear camouflage, until their contract with Verizon is settled.
For more Labor Notes coverage on the contract battles in telecom, see:

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