
March for Educational Justice
Corporate America has created the worst crisis for workers and communities in decades, and we’re paying the price for their greed. How do we unite and fight for a better future? Come share ideas and strategies with fellow unionists, activists, and community members. Registration opens at 9am, Panels and workshops beginning at 9:30AM, until 7PM. Lunch included. Reception following the closing session. Read here what happened at the School. »
Layoffs. Concessions. Budget cuts. Corporate America has created the biggest crisis for workers in decades, and we are paying the price. How do we protect what we have--and lay the foundation to fight for more? Led by exerienced labor educators and activists, our workshops will explore innovative strategies to fight back, and give you the hands-on skills to make it happen. Two workshop tracks: Big Picture and Nuts and Bolts Workshops Include: »
