Troublemakers Blog

October 01, 2013 /
The flight attendant workforce began as all-male, kicked the men out when women became cheaper, and admitted men again only after airlines were sued. Paul Tiemeyer's new book Plane Queer shows the fight against homophobia is a big part of male flight attendants' story. »
September 24, 2013 / Samantha Winslow
Picture a union worker pulling up in a Cadillac, valet-parking at the city’s most prestigious hospital, and pulling out the gold card for lavish care. Plastic surgery, massages: all covered. Is that what the "Cadillac tax" is supposed to prevent? »
September 20, 2013 / Jane Slaughter
All there was to organizing, he said, was “you call a meeting and you make a list.” And then you get “more hands on the plow.” »
September 19, 2013 /
Walmart muscled its way to another victory this week in D.C., signaling "more corporate control of our political system,” Mark Brenner argues. »
September 18, 2013 / Samantha Winslow
Two years after Occupy Wall Street, unions and activist groups marched through the city demanding the Robin Hood Tax, a ½-percent tax on Wall Street financial transactions which could generate up to $350 billion annually. »
September 17, 2013 / Alexandra Bradbury
Alarmed at the AFL-CIO's official silence, an Iraqi oil union leader and others drafted their own resolution, addressed directly to U.S. workers. »
September 09, 2013 /
Labor-management cooperation and wellness programs were slated for a big plug at the AFL-CIO convention by a “model employer” —but got booted when victims protested. “Instant Recess" was canceled. »
September 04, 2013 /
AFL-CIO convention delegates would do well to take a page from the book of the far feistier Jobs with Justice. »
August 30, 2013 /
Ah, fall—when young (and old) unionists’ minds turn to thoughts of strategy. Required reading as you fly, ride, or hitchhike your way to L.A. »
August 24, 2013 /
Resumenes de artículos de Labor Notes de los EEUU, semana de 19 agosto, en español e inglés. Cuántos saben que la Marcha de 1963 por el Trabajo y la Libertad fue lo que dio origen a los principales activistas del trabajo negro Summaries of Labor Notes stories from the U.S. for the week of August 19, in Spanish and English. Please pass them on to your Spanish- »
