Troublemakers Blog
December 11, 2013 / Alexandra Bradbury
Are you hunting for the perfect gift for the labor bookworms on your list? Or maybe you’re hungry for reading material to tide you over till Labor Notes’ next book? Here are some gems.
December 11, 2013 /
In 1937, Woolworth’s was the Walmart of its day. So the story of a successful women's sit-down strike there gives useful parallels for low-wage workers today.
December 09, 2013 /
UAW leaders want a dues increase, but that could push dissatisfaction with concessions to the breaking point.
December 06, 2013 /
Memphis fast food strikers spent the day going from one fast food restaurant to another, rallying outside and occasionally taking over the lobbies. Yells of “turn it up!” punctuated the chants of “we can’t survive on $7.25.”
December 03, 2013 /
With all the right-wing trash talk about working men and women, it’s refreshing to pick up a book that documents the dangerous work of an overlooked group─sanitation workers.
December 02, 2013 /
It took nine years of fierce struggle to form a local that would work for folk musicians and grant us the benefits the American Federation of Musicians can offer—such as a pension.
November 27, 2013 /
In China, workers win more with wildcat strikes than through legal means. Now the government is trying to bring "order" to labor relations with new laws—and to outlaw strikes.
November 26, 2013 /
In our school, we could have given our K-2 children the test, following yet another ridiculous Department of Education mandate. But I am so glad we did not.
November 12, 2013 /
Fast food workers ask whether the national Fight for 15 campaign is worker organizing or a “march on the media.”
November 05, 2013 /
Meet the people who caused the Great Recession and those who continue to suffer from it, all of them infinitely human in the hands of Barbara Garson.